Get Involved

Who are we?

We are a group of enthusiastic people aged 16 and over with diverse interests and a wide range of experience who come together to make shows happen.

We are based in and around Cambridge and operate in local theatres large and small.

To see what we’re working on see our calendar or find us on Facebook or Twitter/X page @TheatrePenguins.

Get involved

There’s a load of ways you can find out if we’re for you.

Come along and watch a show from backstage – let us know when you want to come along and we can make sure we’re ready to see you and explain what’s going on. If you’re happy to get stuck right in, then crewing backstage for a show is good way to start – watch our emails for opportunities and sign yourself up for a performance!

Turn up to a get in, where we setup the lighting & sound equipment and build the set. We can have someone on hand to show you around, chat through what we’re doing and help you get stuck in.

Come along to one of our social or training events. We meet up every month in a local pub just to catch up with each other, have one off social events such as cycle trips, walking up the river and even going to see the odd show from the audience side of things too!

We also run training sessions periodically throughout the year to give everyone the chance to learn something new if they want.

Not done this before?

Don’t worry! You don’t need any skills other than enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.

Let us know you’re coming along to something and we’ll make sure that we have someone on hand to show you around, answer your questions and help you get involved in what we’re doing.

There’s no need to commit to the whole day of a get in or the whole week of a show, any and all help is useful. We often work in pairs or teams so there’s really no need to know it all to be helpful, and there’s always someone close by to show you the ropes.

Learning more

We like to give our members the opportunity to learn as much as they want and we appreciate it’s not always possible to do this when a show is running. So, periodically throughout the year, we hold training sessions.

These can be on any topic, lighting, costume, prop making etc and are typically based around any requests we get from our members.

So, if there’s something you want to know more about – let us know! 

Join us

If you fancy joining the club then contact us and we’ll be in touch to add you to our mailing list, where details of socials, shows, training and other events are circulated.

There is also a closed Facebook group and an e-mail discussion list for members.

You can join for free; we have a membership fee of £5 per year, but we like to let our new members have a chance to meet us and try out a few things before we ask for this. The small fee helps us cover our basic running costs.

Any Questions? Want to join?

If you have any questions about joining or getting involved, get in touch and we’ll get back to you!